Welcome to CMaid Blog posting the latest news about Maid Cafes and Akihabara. (If the news is slow CMaid will either find a video posted with in the month or do a Maid Cafe Highlight Time. If you have a video of Maid Cafes or Akihabara that you would like CMaid to post, then send CMaid a link to tegami@cmaid.moe.)
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If you have any videos of Maid Cafes or of Akihabara and would like CMaid to post them in the blog please send CMaid an email with the link to your video at tegami@cmaid.moe
Home for all Maid Cafes in Akihabara CMaid ♥Home Page♥
If you have any videos of Maid Cafes or of Akihabara and
would like CMaid to post them in the blog
please send CMaid an email with the link to your
video at tegami@cmaid.moe
Home for all Maid Cafes in Akihabara CMaid ♥Home Page♥
If you have any videos of Maid Cafes or of Akihabara and would like CMaid to post them in the blog please send CMaid an email with the link to your video at tegami@cmaid.moe
Home for all Maid Cafes in Akihabara CMaid ♥Home Page♥
Cure Maid Cafe is hosting Cafe du Solei in celebration of Kanon Wakeshima new single "You Soleil".
From 11/25/2015 - 12/6/2015
The Cafe will have specialized meals and drinks based of the singer and cellist Kanon Wakeshima. Every order (limited one per person) will receive a signature coaster and a autograph post card with a message from Kanon Wakeshima.
Happening right now, Animax Cafe x Onsen Yōsei Hakone-chan.
From 11/17/2015 - 11/30/2015
The event will have specialized drinks based off of the characters from the anime Onsen Yōsei Hakone-chan and for ever order you will receive a limited character card.
In celebration of Criminal Girls 2, Senkgoku Style Cafe & Bar will have specialized meals and drinks based off of the game Criminal Girls 2. Every person that comes to the event will receive a special color coaster and Senkgoku Style Cafe & Bar will be showcasing illustrations and autograph pieces from Crimalinal Girls 2.
Event website on Senkgoku Style Cafe & Bar ♥Click Here♥
In celebration of Shinings new game Blade ARCS EX, Gamers is hosting Shining Heroines Museum
Happening right now at Gamers Head Office on the 7th floor at Akihabara, Shining Heroines Museum
From 11/20/2015 - 11/30/2015
The Museum will be showcasing illustrations, costumes, and selling limited merchandise that can only be bought at the Museum.
Shining Heroines Museum
website ♥Click Here♥
Gamers homepage ♥Click Here♥
Blade ARCS EX homepage ♥Click Here♥
To read more about Shining ♥Click Here♥
Home for all Maid Cafes in Akihabara CMaid ♥Home Page♥
Tera Cafe
Happening right now at @home cafe main location 5th floor in Akihabara,
From 11/20/2015 - 11/29/2015
Tera is a MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game)
The Cafe will have specialized meals and drinks based off the game Tera.
The Cafe website ♥Click Here♥
Facebook announcement ♥Click Here♥
Tera homepage ♥Click Here♥
Tera ♥Facebook♥
Tera ♥Twitter♥
Tera ♥YouTube♥
To read more about Tera ♥Click Here♥
@home cafe homepage in English ♥Click Here♥ and in Japanese ♥Click Here♥
@home cafe ♥Facebook♥
To read more about @home cafe ♥Click Here♥
If you have any videos of Maid Cafes or of Akihabara and would like CMaid to post them in the blog please send CMaid an email with the link to your video at tegami@cmaid.moe
Home for all Maid Cafes in Akihabara CMaid ♥Home Page♥
Pinafore and Senkgoku Style Cafe & Bar Exchange maid uniforms last week. Here are some pictures highlighting the exchange.
The original post on the Blog ♥Click Here♥
Pinafore homepage in Japanese ♥Click Here♥ and in English ♥Click Here♥
Pinafore ♥Facebook♥
Pinafore ♥Twitter♥
Senkgoku Style Cafe & Bar homepage ♥Click Here♥
Senkgoku Style Cafe & Bar ♥Facebook♥
Senkgoku Style Cafe & Bar ♥Twitter♥